Grief and Gathering

Our world needs people who can set aside their innate desire to dichotomize, to fix everything right now or shut down completely and who instead choose to be together, at the high cost of comfort, freedom, wealth, and a long list of other things that characterize the American "dream."

Opiates and Overcoming

Though it may seem unfortunate for us, Jesus doesn't say, "Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will rebuild your burned-down home and fix everything for you." Jesus doesn't even say, "Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will make you feel happy no matter what." No, Jesus promises us rest. Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you a kind of rest that will ease your many burdens."

Pedestals and Perfect Strangers

While I’m simultaneously building and tearing down pedestals, Jesus is kicking up dust on the road beside me, reminding me which way is up. While I’m gluing my heart back together after self-inflicted heart break, Jesus is bending down beside me, handing me the scattered pieces one by one. While I’m tearing through scripture looking for answers, Jesus is waiting for me to turn his direction, to recognize him so he can show me the Way, the Truth and the Life. While I’m searching for what will make me whole, Jesus is sitting next to me at the table, offering me the very Bread of Life.

Schism, Sides, and the Sacred

The Church split. The year was 1054 CE, the date to which the “Great Schism” is traditionally ascribed. It must have felt like the kind of separation that could one day be bridged again (and really, would be bridged again, because it was THE Church, wasn’t it?). It must have felt like the most important thing, to preserve doctrine above all else. It must have felt worth it.

Pain, Paradise and Promises

What the cross accomplishes is the very same as what Jesus says: when all is said and done, when we have laughed and cried, been healthy and sick, embraced and turned away, rejoiced and suffered, and finally when we come to die, we are promised paradise by the God who does not turn away from our sin and our brokenness.

Bones and Believing

And God tells Ezekiel, “As you have seen me do for these bones, so I will do for the whole nation of Israel.” God promises to bring God’s people up from the grave. That’s a pretty big promise, if you ask me.

Chaos and Calm

"In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters." – Genesis 1:1-2 Have you ever seen a really old map before? They are mostly inaccurate documents because they... Continue Reading →

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